26. 7. 2023


Letní kino na Sile IV. cestopisný dokument

Călărași – A Land By The Gate Of Heaven
📽🌳Cestopisný dokument o kouzelném moldavském městě od režiséra Dumitru Grosei.
🇬🇧Tentokrát film promítneme s anglickými titulky, protože jsou vloženy přímo do filmu. Děkujeme za pochopení.
📍 26. 7. 2023 21.00 Silo Jihlava (Chlumova 35)
🎫 vstupné dobrovolné
Těšíme se na vás!
“The land of Călărași is a very special place. Even though the whole of Moldova is a really charming and beautiful place, Călărași stands out because of its location. The land is situated right in the middle of the “Codrii” (ancient dense woods). This rich and beautiful location, has its own specific priorities: of history, culture, spirituality, ethnography, agriculture, crafts and customs, but also of using the ”Codrii” as a means of defense. Because of ”Codrii”, Calarasi was able to resist to all the barbaric invasions that happened in the past. Călărași is situated in the region of a great Basarabian cross, formed by four holy monasteries, Hârjauca, Frumoasa, Hârbovăț și Răciula. And if we look at the Basarabian (Moldovan) map, we can see this huge cross of these four locations.” / https://returniaf.de/

Adresa: Chlumova 35, Jihlava

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